    Text Marketing…A Never Miss Opportunity
    Frank LV.1
    Introduction:Other amazing thing about text marketing is that around 90% of all the received text messages (SMSs) are read in as little as three minutes from being delivered. In addition, more than 90% of adults in the world own a mobile phone device, whether it is a smartphone or traditional headset. When we put all these statistical pieces of evidence together, it seems pretty clear that text message marketing is one of the most impressive communication channels of all, offering an enhanced sense of conversation with your prospects.
    2021-07-15 22:40 Author:Frank PV(87516)

    Other amazing thing about text marketing is that around 90% of all the received text messages (SMSs) are read in as little as three minutes from being delivered. In addition, more than 90% of adults in the world own a mobile phone device, whether it’s a smartphone or traditional headset. When we put all these statistical pieces of evidence together, it seems pretty clear that text message marketing is one of the most impressive communication channels of all, offering an enhanced sense of conversation with your prospects.

    Do you remember the last time you logged into your email account and there was a marketing email to welcome you, yet you opted not to open it? Chances are it happened very recently as email marketing has an approximately 25% open rate. On the flip side, do you remember the last time when someone sent a marketing SMS to your smartphone but you decided not to open it? It is very likely that you can’t recall at all because the average open rate of SMS messages is as high as 98%, very huge compared to all other forms of marketing.

    You will acknowledge this interesting thing that as soon as we receive a text message, it creates a sense of urgency in us to open and read it right away. However, if you see other inbound marketing channels like email, they all lack this sense of urgency which urges people to read your message immediately.

    The 160-character limitation in the text message also makes it quite interesting for the consumers. Since it’s usually very short, the marketing messages tend to speak in a short, direct, and sweet manner so recipients can consume the content easily and quickly.

    Another thing that separates SMS marketing from communication channels like email marketing is the wide range of calls-to-action (CTAs) that you can incorporate in text messaging. For example, instead of collecting information through online form filling, you can include such calls to action as text back or click to call or find your nearest store to encourage an immediate response or sales.

    Your company will be held back if you ignore mobile power. It’s calculated that 4.41 to 4.48 individuals, this year, will own a smartphone, which makes every 2 out of 3 people on earth. With that much users around the globe and due to the fact that people keep tabs on their smartphone all the time, you will have a greater opportunity to blast SMS to drive successful lead generation and make your business excel.

    Though text message marketing allows you to cut through those noisy inboxes and instill a sense of greater lead generation, you’ll only succeed if your content is easy to understand, easy to action, and in agreement with what clients expect and want.

    Although SMS advertising is the fastest and impressive way of engagement with customers, you cannot completely ignore the value of email marketing even if it has a relatively low open rate. In the world, email users are also on the rise with a study showing more than 3.7 billion email users worldwide (Radicati). With that in mind, businesses can integrate text message campaigns and email marketing to generate and nurture greater leads.

    With a simple SMS (short message service) asking consumers have they read your email can really prompt them to check their inbox and read your promotion. Without text messages, businesses would have not been able to fully leverage the benefits email marketing has to offer. Thus, it’s high time to move on to a technology-driven, fully-integrated marketing strategy if you’re to improve the engagement rates, open rates, conversion rates, and your brand’s awareness.

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