    SMS Broadcaster used in government
    Frank LV.1
    Introduction:SMS Broadcaster used in government.When an earthquake occurs, a city can sometimes be paralyzed, there is no electricity, there is no telephone network. Electricity for BTS is also dead so no one can communicate.
    2019-07-16 13:25 Author:Frank PV(82805)

    SMS Broadcaster used in government.When an earthquake occurs, a city can sometimes be paralyzed, there is no electricity, there is no telephone network. Electricity for BTS is also dead so no one can communicate.

    With the portable BTS, the government can provide a temporary solution when a disaster occurs.

    As we know Japan is a country that is very often affected by natural disasters such as earthquakes.

    At that time our team was asked by the government to produce a portable BTS which can be used to send sms automatically and make a call if a disaster occurs.

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