    3 Language Pitfalls to Avoid in Text Message Advertising
    Frank LV.1
    Introduction:Nobody wants to receive a text message that looks like spam. And a sure way to alert mobile users that what they are receiving is indeed one of the many mobile marketing advertising campaigns that are not taking their precious time into consideration is by using language pitfalls. Hype, jargon and abbreviations are three critical language pitfalls that will turn your customers off from your text message advertising campaigns.
    2021-05-25 22:09 Author:Frank PV(81700)

    Nobody wants to receive a text message that looks like spam. And a sure way to alert mobile users that what they’re receiving is indeed one of the many mobile marketing advertising campaigns that aren’t taking their precious time into consideration is by using language pitfalls. Hype, jargon and abbreviations are three critical language pitfalls that will turn your customers off from your text message advertising campaigns.

    Using words like “awesome” and “amazing” just scream “spam” to your customer. If a deal or promotion is truly awesome (i.e. valuable to the consumer), then it will speak for itself. Be sincere and meticulous when choosing your words. Talk to customers how you’d like to be spoken to, with honest and realistic content that helps consumers make an informed decision.

    You will never alienate customers through the use of standard language conventions, but slang or jargon can certainly cost you a customer. In addition, it can come off as an unprofessional reflection of your brand. Use careful wording when addressing customers. Show them respect for being loyal and regard the relationship as a privilege. If you wouldn’t talk to your boss like that, don’t send it in a text message to a customer!

    Don’t assume that your customer knows what you are talking about. Using abbreviations can cause confusion, resulting in lower conversion rates. This is part of the general application of text message advertising: be concise, but be clear!

    Testing campaigns can often eliminate these types of errors. Running a trial text marketing campaign can tell you if your test receivers are having trouble understanding the message or are turned off in any way to the language chosen. You may go through several versions of as text message advertising campaign before it’s ready to launch. However, taking the guesswork out of which messages are effective and which aren’t by obtaining throughout feedback regarding the language used, will prove ultimately more valuable to both consumers and the brand sending the message.

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