    Frank V
    Occupation:SMS Broadcaster LV.1
    Introduction:Improve Customer Incentives with SMS Broadcaster.In an age of free content, it is vital to use mobile marketing to improve customer incentives with sms for building brand loyalty. Text coupons, limited time offers, location-based deals – they are all tried and tested strategies for incentivizing opt-ins. But what makes an incentive truly exciting? And how can you combine mobile marketing incentives with other marketing strategies to create a truly compelling campaign? Let is answer some FAQs regarding mobile marketing incentives…
    Improve Customer Incentives with SMS Broadcaster
    2021-05-12 20:44:52 Author:Frank PV(83790)

    Improve Customer Incentives with SMS Broadcaster.In an age of free content, it is vital to use mobile marketing to improve customer incentives with sms for building brand loyalty. Text coupons, limited time offers, location-based deals – they are all tried and tested strategies for incentivizing opt-ins. But what makes an incentive truly exciting? And how can you combine mobile marketing incentives with other marketing strategies to create a truly compelling campaign? Let is answer some FAQs regarding mobile marketing incentives…

    A recent study published in the Journal of Marketing found that students didn’t think there was difference between a 33% discount and 33% extra on an equally-priced item. It’s not just youngsters – research shows that most adult shoppers prefer buy-one-get-one-free offers to 50% discounts, despite the (obvious, right?) fact that the discount is always the better offer (presuming the starting price is the same). In short, consumers generally get the math wrong. You can rely on that fact. For your business, buy-one-get-one-free is better, and the customers think it is too. Your scruples can do the rest.

    Yes, accept this reality and start offering something genuinely compelling in return for signing up to your list. Use SMS coupons to offer new customers a freebie for joining your contact list. It’s a long-term strategy – but it really works.

    Text your customers too much and they’ll simply unsubscribe. Dole out mobile discounts in a piecemeal fashion and you can intersperse your brand message without provoking ire. Finding that threshold between value and annoying is an art, and it’s different for every industry. There’s no point in a car dealership sending weekly messages with mobile discounts on new vehicles. If you’re running a restaurant, on the other hand, there’s every chance that monthly text coupons will pay off. Analyze your industry and discover the sweet spot.

    A lot of smartphones only show the first line of a text, so it’s important to get the message over in the first 30-60 characters. Lead with the special offer. Announce the ‘50% off’ part of the message first, then leave the qualifications for the opened text. Remember, there’s no small print in text coupons, so keep those qualifications to a minimum. Make it simple, concise with a clear call to action, and you’ll reap the rewards of text marketing discounts just as much as your customers.

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