    Frank V
    Occupation:SMS Broadcaster LV.1
    Introduction:AndroidAPS allows you to control a child phone remotely via text message. If you enable this cellphone controller, always remember that the phone set up to give remote commands could be stolen. So always protect it at least by a PIN code. A strong password or biometrics are recommended.Additionally it is recommended to allow a second phone number for SMS commands. So you can use second number to temporary disable SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen.
    cellphone controller
    2021-06-15 08:50:48 Author:Frank PV(88302)

    AndroidAPS allows you to control a child phone remotely via text message. If you enable this cellphone controller, always remember that the phone set up to give remote commands could be stolen. So always protect it at least by a PIN code. A strong password or biometrics are recommended.Additionally it is recommended to allow a second phone number for SMS commands. So you can use second number to temporary disable SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen.

    AndroidAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. It is advisable to set this up so that confirmation texts are sent to at least two different phone numbers in case one of the receiving phones is stolen.If you bolus through SMS Commands you must enter carbs through Nightscout (NSClient, Website...)! If you fail to do so IOB would be correct with too low COB potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as AAPS assumes that you have too much active insulin.

    As of AndroidAPS version 2.7 an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety when using SMS commands.Send a SMS to the phone with AndroidAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the commands below.

    Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! Therefore the response depends on the time that the last bolus was given.If you receive the same message over and over again (i.e. profile switch) you will probably have set up a circle with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please make sure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NS.

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